This Really Happened Interview (Tribeca)
Interview with director Emily Cohn and creators, writers, and stars Olivia AbiAssi & Kallen Prosterman
Olivia AbiAssi and Kallen Prosterman met because they discovered they were both dating the same BOY (played by Abubakr Ali). While they eventually left him behind, the two remained friends, eventually coming together to write and star in This Really Happened, a pilot that delves into the sordid details of dating in the 21st century. It premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival on Sunday, June 9th.
This is a delightful short. The story is paced brilliantly, it’s funny and touching and weirdly relatable. It also is a reminder that you can do everything right, follow all of the green flags, and still end up in a mess of a relationship. But it’s also hopeful because here are two women who have formed a strong friendship from this experience.
I had a chance to sit down with creators AbiAssi and Prosterman as well as the director Emily Cohn to talk about their experience and their hopes for the show.