Mar 16, 2023·edited Mar 16, 2023

For me, there’s a fine line between my need for support and connection from other people and my need for validation. Mutual connection and support with people I know personally, especially those faraway, is the main reason I continue to use social media. I become concerned when I use it for validation from people I don’t know personally. When I need validation, I revisit my core values to see if what I am doing and how I am being match up with my values. And then I plan some time with close friends - spending time with my close friends being active in the woods or creating something together always reminds me of who I am. And that is what the ‘need’ for validation really is in my life.

I feel sad for Nate. He is so lonely and has walked right into an abusive relationship. In real life, these things aren’t so obvious when they are happening. That’s why we need to reflect on our own actions and decisions on a regular basis. There are a million little ways we can be pulled away from our core values and start down a path towards losing our personal power to someone who is willing to use us (usually unconsciously chasing validation for themself). Oh, the venn diagram of human relationships where dysfunction and healthy habits are such good buddies!

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I watched the first episode of season 3 last night. Nate the Great not so great obviously but Mohammed’s performance was outstanding. Ted called it in his press conference where he said Nate finds a weakness and goes after it. It’s what makes him a great strategist but not necessarily a good human or coach as witnesses by his shaming his players by referring to them as “dummies” and making them stand apart from others. I think he’s going to crumble under Rupert’s pressure. And I hate that they are setting up a theme of Ted going back to Kansas or the US (to be with his son presumably) because we know it’s the last season!!

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